Ananda Yoga powered by Siddha cosmic enlightenment international

Shri Shri Dr. Palakkal
Cosmic Scientist
Blossoming Gandhidham
Blossoming Gandhidham, it’s an exclusive concept to enhance Gandhidham as “one of the most happiest, prosperous and brightest city in India”. Through the Program of Blossiming Gandhidham we are targeting to raise the human consciousness by being aware who they are and living in present moments. It is possible through happiness and love resulting entire city in pious. To attain this state of Blossoming Gandhidham our effort is to align universal foces to land of gandhidham, it’s like creating a strong bonding between Mother Earth and the Cosmic Life forces.
We beautiful souls in Gandhidham are the strong pillars of this unique bonding, the bonding of a healthy, happiness and love studded with positive thoughts. By this all humans will be able to value themselves by knowing their purpose of life. This theme is surely going to bring more positive vibrational forces that will help to attract and manifest the goal of blossoming gandhidham. It is a place where bigger prosperity is assured due to additional non-conventional income in department such as tourism naturopathy, yoga, mindfulness agriculture & landscape etc.
The attempt of Blossoming Gandhidham is a proud and happy moment as it is a first step to create the beautiful thoughts and encourage all loved one’s to join together and kick off the vibrant thought “Blossoming Gandhidham”. Gandhidham is a place where human souls are happy, contended and above all living happiest healthy and in peace. The city itself is named after Mahatma Gandhi’ the father of our nation who stood for Peace & Love.